If you have significant inspirations to make it as a screenwriter, you’re going to need to learn the ins and outs of a script synopsis. Writing a script is more than just writing a killer script. There’s a lot attached to the matter that most people in the area discover later than they should have.
Nevertheless, if you need to learn everything there is to know about a script synopsis, you’re in the right place. Below will discuss a synopsis, how long they are, what you include, and tips. By the end of it, you’ll be able to craft a script synopsis of your own. Let’s get started!

What is a Synopsis?
A synopsis is the general outline of your plot, the central idea of your screenplay, and the fundamental characters in your screenplay. The principal justification for why a writer should compose a synopsis is essentially to sell their screenplay. It’s a way to introduce someone or a production company to digest the whole content without presenting the entire script.
How Long is a Synopsis?
A synopsis ought to be somewhere in the range of one to three pages. Truth be told, the more limited you make it, the better. If the reader reads a compact and intriguing synopsis, and if the rundown interests them, they’ll read the full content afterward.
In this way, don’t attempt to pack everything into your synopsis. Just incorporate the essential pieces of your script but have enough in the story, so they get a general gist of it all.
What Do You Include in a Synopsis?
Similar to a screenplay, a synopsis should be organized in a particular matter. It’s not up to interpretation with how you present it. The content should stand out, whereas the actual organization of the information should be consistent across all of your script synopsis. Below is a quick outline of what you should include.
In your header, you ought to incorporate the title of your screenplay, your name, and contact information. This gives whoever is reading the synopsis a load of information to contact you in case they’re interested in the matter. “Hi, I’m so and so, and I’m interested in your script blah blah blah” is the best case example of what the header can do for you.
After your header should come the logline. The logline gives the reader a feeling of your story and where it’s headed. The logline is arguably the most crucial component of a synopsis or script in general. It’s a broad description of what a film is about without giving away too much information.
Logline Examples
The Godfather (1972) - The aging patriarch of an organized crime dynasty in postwar New York City transfers control of his clandestine empire to his reluctant youngest son.
Blade Runner (1982) - A blade runner must pursue and terminate four replicants who stole a ship in space and have returned to Earth to find their creator.
The Florida Project (2017) - Set over one summer, the film follows precocious six-year-old Moonee as she courts mischief and adventure with her ragtag playmates and bonds with her rebellious but caring mother, all while living in the shadows of Walt Disney World.
Screenplay Summary
The summary ought to be written as an outsider looking in, also known as the third person. Assuming you’ve used the three-act construction to make your story, put that into your summary as well.
You can then rapidly sum up each act, zeroing in on the story curve and summarizing central character segments. Doing so will assist you with composing a brief outline that will catch the reader’s interest, and ideally, their checkbook!
Tips for a Synopsis
As great as it is to know the basic foundation of creating a synopsis, none of that matters if you don’t have the basic skills for getting the most out of it. With this in mind, below will highlight a few key points to remember while developing your synopsis. Let’s take a look!
Focus On The Plot
Ensure you adhere to the central plot points in your synopsis. It’s simple to wander away and speak about your subplots to the principal plot, but don’t do this. Be that as it may, keep it straightforward. Express the key story points and the main characters throughout it.
Include the Ending
When wrapping up your synopsis, ensure you incorporate the ending of your story. How are the characters left toward the finish of the story? What is the last condition of their reality? This gives whoever is reading closure, something imperative to any great story, even if it ends on a cliffhanger.